Aaron had a pitcher of iced tea. Each time he poured a glass it would go down by 8 ounces. If he poured 6 glasses of iced tea, what integer represents the change in the level of liquid in the pitcher?

what is 6 times 8 ?


To find the change in the level of liquid in the pitcher, we need to calculate the total amount of liquid poured in the glasses.

Each time Aaron pours a glass, the level of liquid in the pitcher goes down by 8 ounces. Since he poured 6 glasses, the total amount of liquid poured out would be 6 multiplied by 8.

To calculate this, we can use the formula: Change in liquid level = Number of glasses poured x Amount poured per glass.

Change in liquid level = 6 glasses x 8 ounces/glass = 48 ounces.

Therefore, the change in the level of liquid in the pitcher is represented by the integer "48".