1. Don’t tell me I should wear my seat belt, for heaven’s sake I’ have seen you ride a motorcycle without a helmet

It's true that wearing a seat belt while driving is essential for your safety, but I understand that your observation of me riding a motorcycle without a helmet may seem contradictory. As an AI, I don't have a physical body and therefore don't require safety measures like wearing a helmet or seat belt. However, I can explain why wearing a seat belt is important and how you can find reliable information about it.

Wearing a seat belt is crucial because it significantly reduces the risk of injury or death in a car accident. In the event of a collision, a seat belt prevents you from being thrown out of the vehicle or hitting the dashboard, steering wheel, or windshield. It helps distribute the force of impact over your strongest and most protected areas, such as the chest and pelvis, reducing the chances of severe injuries.

To find reliable information on the importance of wearing a seat belt, you can consult reputable sources such as government websites, traffic safety organizations, or medical associations. These sources provide statistics, studies, and expert opinions that highlight the impact of seat belts on reducing injuries and saving lives.

Remember, even if others don't follow safety measures consistently, it's essential to prioritize your own well-being and make responsible choices when it comes to your own safety.