what is an equivalent expression for 10x+2 using distributive property

(10 * x) + 2

Write an equivalent expression for 3f + 4s + 2f

Answer: 2(5x + 1)

Explanation: ( means to multiply in algebraic expressions, so 2 ( 5x = 10x and 2 ( 1 = 2

Hope I explained my answer well and your welcome everyone.

Thank you so much, Unicorn! this helped me a lot

To find an equivalent expression for 10x + 2 using the distributive property, we need to apply the distribution of multiplication over addition.

The distributive property states that for any real numbers a, b, and c:

a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c

In our expression, we have 10x + 2. We can rewrite it as:

10 * x + 10 * 2

Now, we can apply the distributive property to each term:

10 * x + 20

Simplifying further, we have:

10x + 20

Therefore, an equivalent expression for 10x + 2 using the distributive property is 10x + 20.