a real world problem to represent 5x+50=120

I have 5 families each with x alligators in the family as well as 50 orphan alligators on the farm. How many alligators must be in each family if there are 120 alligators on the farm? :)

To represent the equation 5x + 50 = 120 in a real-world problem, let's consider the following scenario:

Suppose you are organizing a charity event, and you have decided to sell tickets for $5 each. You are trying to determine how many tickets you need to sell in order to reach a total revenue of $120.

Let x represent the number of tickets you need to sell. Since each ticket is priced at $5, the total revenue from selling x tickets can be calculated using the equation 5x.

Additionally, you have incurred $50 in initial expenses for organizing the event. Therefore, the total revenue after deducting the expenses can be represented as 5x + 50.

You want to find the value of x that makes the total revenue equal to $120. Thus, the equation can be written as 5x + 50 = 120. By solving this equation, you can determine how many tickets you need to sell to achieve your desired revenue.

One real-world problem that can be represented by the equation 5x + 50 = 120 is the scenario of buying multiple items at a store. Let's say you want to buy five identical items, and each item costs $x. The store also charges an additional $50 for other expenses. The equation 5x + 50 = 120 represents the total cost of purchasing five items, including the additional expenses.

To calculate the value of x in this scenario:

Step 1: Subtract 50 from both sides of the equation to isolate 5x:
5x + 50 - 50 = 120 - 50
5x = 70

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by 5 to solve for x:
5x/5 = 70/5
x = 14

So, in this scenario, each item costs $14, and the total cost for five items plus the additional expenses is $120.