Mrs. Torres is mailing a package that weighs 12.5 pounds. The post office charges by the

ounce to mail a package. How much does the package weigh in ounces?
A 187 ounces
B 200 ounces
C 192.5 ounces
D 100 ounces

12.5lb * 16oz/lb = 200 oz

i need help

you are not what I am looking for you do not know wha I am looking for why why why do you come to this site if you do not know the answer

I'm looking for the answer not the question, Lol.

ummm give me the answer im doing a test .....

sorry that was my sister can you please help me

Pito! or Pines

hellllllooooooooo 200000000000000000000000oz

qzcxz jn cnjsmxn xsn bxw33hedcbnheb3dxcuwhbsdhudwbhtfcrcdtfbnm,dop lcfqawxc
