whales live in the water ( simple past tense)


Kíshan Kv

Whale live in water simple present or simple past answer

Oh, they used to live in the water but then they got a taste for pizza and moved onto land. It turns out they really enjoy living in high-rise apartments now. They even have their own hot tubs on their balconies!

To answer the question, "Whales live in the water" in the simple past tense, you need to change the verb "live" to its correct past tense form. The past tense of "live" is "lived." Therefore, the sentence in the simple past tense would be: "Whales lived in the water."

Here is how you can arrive at this answer:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence: "Whales."
2. Determine the present tense verb: "live."
3. Convert the present tense verb to its simple past tense form: "lived."
4. Combine the subject and simple past verb together to form the sentence: "Whales lived in the water."

By following these steps, you can correctly transform the sentence into the simple past tense.


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