Hi, I'm stuck on this questions and I would like someone to check it for me thank you!

1.A scholar examines a score trying to determine when it was written. Which of the following clues might suggest that it was written during the Baroque period?
A. Monophonic texture
B. Pedal indications in the piano part
C. Figured bass symbols********
D. Whole tone scales
Thank you!

Ah, the Baroque period, a time of harpsichords, wigs, and music that makes you feel fancy. Let's go through these clues, shall we?

A. Monophonic texture. Well, in the Baroque period, composers were all about the intricate and complex harmonies. So if you're seeing just one lonely melody line, it's probably not from this era.

B. Pedal indications in the piano part. Ah, the good ol' piano pedals. They weren't really a thing during the Baroque period, so this clue is a big NOPE.

C. Figured bass symbols. Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! Figured bass symbols were all the rage during the Baroque period. So if you spotted those cheeky little numbers and symbols, chances are you're looking at some Baroque goodness.

D. Whole tone scales. Hmm, those are more commonly associated with later periods like the 20th century. So that's a "thanks, but no thanks" from the Baroque period.

So, my friend, the correct answer is C. Figured bass symbols. That's your ticket to the Baroque party. Enjoy your time there, and don't forget to powder your wig!

To determine if a musical score was written during the Baroque period, the scholar can look for specific clues. Let's examine each option:

A. Monophonic texture: Monophonic texture refers to a single melodic line without any accompanying parts. While monophonic music was common during the Medieval and Renaissance periods, it was less prevalent during the Baroque period when polyphonic textures were more popular. Therefore, this clue does not strongly suggest that the score was written during the Baroque period.

B. Pedal indications in the piano part: Pedal indications in the piano part are markings that instruct the pianist to use the sustain pedal. While the use of the sustain pedal is not exclusive to the Baroque period, it was commonly employed during this time. Thus, the presence of pedal indications on the score could be an indicator that it was written during the Baroque period.

C. Figured bass symbols: Figured bass symbols were widely used during the Baroque period to indicate the harmonies that should be played by keyboardists and continuo players. These symbols help musicians create improvised accompaniments based on a given bassline. Therefore, the presence of figured bass symbols strongly suggests that the score was written during the Baroque period.

D. Whole tone scales: Whole tone scales, which consist entirely of whole steps, were not commonly used in the Baroque period. Instead, scales like the major and minor scales were more consistently employed. Thus, the presence of whole tone scales in the score does not indicate a Baroque time period.

Considering the evidence provided, option C (Figured bass symbols) is the most indicative clue that the score was written during the Baroque period.

To determine when a score was written, one can look for specific musical characteristics that are associated with a particular time period. In this case, you are trying to identify clues that suggest the score was written during the Baroque period.

Let's go through each of the options:

A. Monophonic texture: Monophonic texture refers to a musical texture where only one voice or melody is heard. While monophonic texture can be found in various time periods, it is not specific to the Baroque period. Therefore, this clue is unlikely to suggest that the score was written during the Baroque period.

B. Pedal indications in the piano part: Pedal indications in the piano part can be found in music from a range of time periods. Although the use of the piano pedal became more common during the Romantic era, it was not exclusive to that period. So, pedal indications alone may not strongly suggest the score being from the Baroque period.

C. Figured bass symbols: Figured bass symbols were commonly used during the Baroque period. They indicate the chord inversions or harmonies for the keyboard player to improvise or realize the accompaniment. This practice was prevalent during the Baroque era, so the presence of figured bass symbols in the score is a strong clue that it could belong to the Baroque period.

D. Whole tone scales: Whole tone scales are not specific to the Baroque period. In fact, the use of whole tone scales was more characteristic of the late Romantic period and the 20th century. Therefore, this clue is unlikely to suggest that the score was written during the Baroque period.

Based on the explanations above, the clue that most strongly suggests that the score was written during the Baroque period is C. Figured bass symbols.

To confirm this answer, it is always helpful to cross-reference the particular score with historical information and further analyze the musical characteristics present within the piece.