What's a 15 letter word for: Unit that electrical energy is measured in.

_ _ U _ E S _ E _ S E _ O _ _

To solve this crossword puzzle clue, we need to find a 15-letter word for a unit that electrical energy is measured in. Let's break it down step by step:

1. First, let's focus on the known letters in the word. Based on the pattern provided in the question, we have the following information: _ _ U _ E S _ E _ S E _ O _ _

2. Next, let's think about the unit that measures electrical energy. The most commonly used unit for measuring electrical energy is the "kilowatt-hour" (kWh).

3. With this in mind, let's try to fit the letters into the word pattern. We have "kWh," and based on the available letters, we can fill in the missing spaces as follows: _ _ U _ E S _ E _ S E kWh _

4. Therefore, the likely answer to the crossword puzzle clue, "Unit that electrical energy is measured in," is "KILOWATT-HOUR." This word fits the 15-letter pattern and accurately represents the unit used to measure electrical energy.

Remember, when solving crossword puzzles, it is often helpful to consider the context and subject matter of the clue to find the most appropriate answer. In this case, a knowledge of units of measurement for electrical energy was particularly useful.