Frank used 3/2 cups of sugar to make a dozen brownies. How much sugar is in each brownie?

No, Worm.

1.5/12 = ?

To find out how much sugar is in each brownie, you need to divide the total amount of sugar used by the number of brownies made.

In this case, Frank used 3/2 cups of sugar to make a dozen (12) brownies. To divide 3/2 by 12, you can convert 3/2 to a mixed number. A mixed number is a whole number combined with a fraction.

To convert 3/2 to a mixed number, divide the numerator (3) by the denominator (2). The result is 1 with a remainder of 1.

So, 3/2 can be written as the mixed number 1 1/2. This means Frank used 1 1/2 cups of sugar to make a dozen brownies.

To find out how much sugar is in each brownie, divide 1 1/2 cups by 12 brownies.

First, convert 1 1/2 to an improper fraction. To do this, multiply the whole number (1) by the denominator (2) and add the numerator (1) to get the new numerator. The denominator remains the same.

1 * 2 + 1 = 2 + 1 = 3

The new improper fraction is 3/2.

Now, divide 3/2 by 12. To divide a fraction by a whole number, multiply the fraction by the reciprocal of the whole number. The reciprocal of 12 is 1/12.

3/2 * 1/12 = (3 * 1) / (2 * 12) = 3/24

So, each brownie contains 3/24 (or simplified to 1/8) cups of sugar.

Please help! I am so cunfused and would be very grateful!


1/2 of 12 is 6

18 cups of sugar in each brownie should set off an alarm.