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It seems that you have provided a link to a set of flashcards on Quizlet.com about denotation and connotation. However, without additional context or a specific question from the flashcards, I am unable to provide a specific response.

To use the flashcards and learn about denotation and connotation, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the provided link (quizlet.com/346969666/denotation-and-connotation-flash-cards/) in your web browser. This will take you to the Quizlet page for the flashcard set.

2. On the Quizlet page, you will see a list of flashcards. Each flashcard typically contains a word along with its definition or explanation.

3. To study the flashcards, you can go through them one by one. Read the word on the front side of the flashcard and try to recall its meaning or connotation.

4. If you are unsure about the meaning or connotation, you can flip the flashcard to check the definition or explanation provided on the back side.

5. As you go through the flashcards, try to make connections between words, their definitions, and the concepts of denotation and connotation. Denotation refers to the literal or dictionary definition of a word, while connotation refers to the emotions, ideas, or associations that are often connected to a word.

6. To reinforce your learning, you can go through the flashcards multiple times, testing your memory and understanding of the words and their connotations.

Remember, Quizlet offers various study modes and options to enhance your learning experience. You can customize your study sessions by selecting different modes like flashcards, learn, spell, and match, among others. Additionally, Quizlet also provides features such as creating quizzes, tracking your progress, and collaborating with others in your study group.