Romans who were not slaves were:

A. citizens
B. plebeians
C. equites

If you do brianly the answer is A citizens I dont know why just did the quiz

A child born of a legitimate union between citizen father and mother would acquire citizenship at birth. In theory, freeborn Roman women were regarded as Roman citizens; in practice, however, they could not hold office or vote, activities considered key aspects of citizenship.

So it's not equites because I looked it up and they are horsemen or nights and I know they arent citizens because if you look it up and I quote "Citizenship in ancient Rome (Latin: civitas) was a privileged political and legal status afforded to free individuals with respect to laws, property, and governance." So that leaves us to Patricians and Plebians I also lnow its not patricians because again I quote"Most patricians were wealthy landowners from old families, but the class was open to a chosen few who had been deliberately promoted by the emperor." so the correct answer would most liekly be B. Plebeians which to confirm I looked it up and got this as a result " Plebeians were average working citizens of Rome – farmers, bakers, builders or craftsmen – who worked hard to support their families and pay their taxes." Why I went through all this trouble to exsplain Well because I want to help lol.

Also If you dont want to read all of the info above the answer is most likley B.

oof sorry was it ancient rome or just rome? if it was ancient then that would exsplain why I just looked up rome

If anyone else got a different answer please post it down below lol

The correct answer is A. citizens.

To arrive at this conclusion, we need to understand the social structure of ancient Rome. In ancient Rome, there were different classes of people, each with distinct rights and privileges. Let's examine the other options first to highlight the differences:

B. Plebeians: Plebeians were the common people of Rome who belonged to the lower classes. While they were free citizens, they faced social and legal limitations and were excluded from certain political and social privileges.

C. Equites: The equites, also known as the equestrian class, were a social class below the patricians but above the plebeians. They were typically wealthy individuals who held positions in business, finance, or Roman administration. While they had certain privileges and rights, they were not equivalent to being a citizen.

D. Patricians: Patricians were the elite social class of ancient Rome. They were descendants of the original noble families of Rome and held significant political power and influence. However, being a patrician did not necessarily imply citizenship, as there were instances where patricians did not possess Roman citizenship.

A. Citizens: Roman citizens were individuals who held legal rights and protections within the Roman Republic and later the Roman Empire. Citizenship granted individuals with various privileges, such as the right to vote, hold public office, and access to certain legal protections. Roman citizens were differentiated from slaves and non-citizen residents of Rome.

Therefore, the Romans who were not slaves and had legal rights and protections were citizens, making option A the correct answer.