What was Mr. Tabby's reason that the kids could not keep the baby dragon?

Can you guys answer this question in the book Sasquatch Escape.Can you guys please make sure that the answer is right thank you!!! Who ever does the right answer will get 10,000,000!!!!

10 mil what?

To find the answer to your question, we need to refer to the book "Sasquatch Escape" by Suzanne Selfors. Unfortunately, as an AI, I do not have access to specific books or their content. However, I can guide you on how to find the answer yourself.

To determine Mr. Tabby's reason why the kids could not keep the baby dragon, you should refer to the relevant section or chapters in the book. You can do this by either reading the book yourself or using online resources such as e-books, book summaries, or book analyses. These resources may provide a synopsis or detailed information regarding the events and characters in the story, including Mr. Tabby's reason.

Keep in mind that Mr. Tabby's reason may vary depending on the particular story and its context. So, it is crucial to consult the book itself or reliable sources related to the book to get the accurate answer. Remember, the joy of reading is in discovering the story and its details firsthand.

Hello everyone can you please find the answer fast thank you !!!!!!!!!!!

Yes 10 mil but if you want 10 mil you need to find the answer first thank you!!!!