Take a look at specific areas/issues that require addressing in order to break poverty cycles. Beside each, explain how you believe it contributes to the cycle of poverty. The first example has been completed for you.

Issue/Area How I think it contributes to the poverty cycle

Drought makes agriculture difficult, leading to both income loss as crops are destroyed and hunger as there is less food to eat. Lack of food leads to a lack of energy to produce goods and services to support a family.

1. Civil War
2. Natural Disasters
3. Education
4. Health Care
5. Encourage Investment and Entrepreneurship
6. Technology Implementation
7. Debt Reduction/Forgiveness
8. Fair Trade
9. Empower Disadvantaged Workers
10. Safe Working Conditions

Issue/Area How I think it contributes to the poverty cycle

1. Civil War Civil wars disrupt the social fabric of a community, causing displacement, destruction of infrastructure, and loss of livelihoods. This results in a lack of stability and security, making it difficult for people to rebuild their lives and escape poverty.

2. Natural Disasters Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes can lead to significant loss of life, property, and infrastructure. This can result in the interruption of essential services, displacement of communities, and loss of livelihoods. Once the immediate crisis is over, the affected population often struggles to recover and rebuild their lives, trapping them in poverty.

3. Education Lack of access to quality education perpetuates the cycle of poverty. Without education, individuals find it difficult to acquire necessary skills, knowledge, and qualifications to secure employment and earn a living wage. This leads to limited economic opportunities and perpetuates generational poverty.

4. Health Care Limited access to affordable and quality healthcare services can contribute to poverty cycles. When individuals do not have access to proper healthcare, they are more likely to suffer from illness, disability, and overall poor health. This can result in increased healthcare costs, reduced productivity, and inability to work, leading to financial instability and perpetuating the cycle of poverty.

5. Encourage Investment and Entrepreneurship Lack of investment and entrepreneurship opportunities in impoverished communities can hinder economic growth and perpetuate poverty cycles. Without access to capital, resources, and support for starting businesses, individuals are unable to generate income, create employment opportunities, and break the cycle of poverty.

6. Technology Implementation Insufficient access to technology and digital infrastructure can hinder economic progress and perpetuate poverty. In today's digital age, technology and connectivity are crucial for education, access to information, and economic opportunities. Without these tools, individuals and communities are excluded from participating fully in the global economy, making it difficult to escape the poverty cycle.

7. Debt Reduction/Forgiveness High levels of debt can trap individuals and communities in a cycle of poverty. Interest payments and debt repayments drain resources, limiting investment in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and other essential needs. Debt reduction or forgiveness programs can provide relief and enable individuals and communities to allocate resources towards poverty alleviation efforts.

8. Fair Trade Unfair trade practices can perpetuate poverty cycles by exploiting workers and keeping wages low. When workers are not paid fair wages for their labor, it becomes difficult for them to meet their basic needs and improve their economic status. Implementing fair trade practices ensures that workers are compensated fairly, contributing to poverty reduction efforts.

9. Empower Disadvantaged Workers Discrimination and marginalization of disadvantaged workers can contribute to the poverty cycle. When certain groups face barriers in accessing employment, promotions, and fair wages, it perpetuates economic inequality and traps individuals in poverty. Empowering disadvantaged workers through anti-discrimination laws, training programs, and equal employment opportunities can help break the cycle.

10. Safe Working Conditions Unsafe and exploitative working conditions can contribute to poverty cycles. When workers are exposed to hazardous working conditions, lack protective measures, and face exploitation, it compromises their ability to earn a decent living and escape poverty. Ensuring safe working conditions and enforcing labor rights protects workers' health, well-being, and economic opportunity.