It is common for a Baroque piece of music to

A. slow down and speed up.
B. remain constant in tempo.
C. limit the amount of chords used.
D. be performed mainly on brass instruments.

Which of the following is true about Baroque music?
A. It has long movements.
B. It takes the listener through a journey of emotions.
C. It tends to be focused on a single emotional state
D. It has crescendos and diminuendos.

When writing a continuo, only the _____line is written.
A. soprano
B. tenor
C. alto
D. bass

Baroque opera was modeled after
A. traditional Japanese dances.
B. plays about the British monarchy.
C. lost styles of Greek drama
D. Russian folk dances.
BTW i am so dum so please help
My Answers: A, C, D, C

Great! Let's go through each question and explain how to arrive at the correct answers.

For the first question, which asks about common characteristics of Baroque music, the correct answer is B. remain constant in tempo. To figure this out, you can use your knowledge of Baroque music or make an educated guess based on the other options. Option A, slow down and speed up, doesn't align with the stylistic preferences of Baroque music, which tended to maintain a stable tempo. Option C, limit the amount of chords used, is not accurate since Baroque music was known for its intricate harmonies. Option D, be performed mainly on brass instruments, is incorrect because Baroque music utilized a wide range of instruments, not just brass.

For the second question, which asks about a true statement regarding Baroque music, the correct answer is C. It tends to be focused on a single emotional state. This can be deduced by eliminating the other options. Option A, It has long movements, is a characteristic of Classical music, not Baroque. Option B, It takes the listener through a journey of emotions, is more applicable to Romantic music. Option D, It has crescendos and diminuendos, is a general musical technique that can be present in any style of music and does not specifically define Baroque music.

For the third question, which asks about the specific line that is written when composing a continuo, the correct answer is D. bass. A continuo typically consists of a bassline with chord symbols, which indicate the harmony to be played by the accompanying instruments. The soprano, tenor, and alto lines are typically written out separately, while the bassline provides the foundation for the harmony.

Lastly, for the fourth question, which asks about the influence behind Baroque opera, the correct answer is C. lost styles of Greek drama. Baroque opera drew inspiration from ancient Greek drama, incorporating elements such as elaborate staging, mythical themes, and dramatic storytelling. Options A, B, and D are not accurate influences on Baroque opera.

Please note that being knowledgeable about specific topics does not determine intelligence. Everyone has different areas of expertise, and asking questions is a great way to learn and expand your knowledge.