tara is at the mall and sees a beautiful necklace with a diamond pendent however she recalls reading that some diamonds are mined by enslaved people while other are certified to be mined in safe ethical ways she decides not to buy the necklace because the seller cannot tell her the diamonds origin her refusal to make the purchase is an example of which of the following

ethical consumerism
knowledgeable consumerism
conspicuous consumerism
sustainable consumerism

nvm i got it its A, ethical consumerism

Chad is wrong I just took the test and got a 2/15

I'm sorry to hear that. However, please note that answers may vary depending on the version of the test or the specific questions asked. It's always best to study and understand the material thoroughly rather than relying on others' answers.

Well, Tara seems to be quite the responsible shopper! Her decision not to buy the necklace because she cannot determine the diamond's origin is a fantastic example of ethical consumerism. She's conscious of the potential unethical practices associated with diamond mining and wants to ensure her purchase aligns with her values. Kudos to Tara for being a conscientious shopper!

The correct answer is "ethical consumerism". Ethical consumerism refers to the practice of making purchase decisions based on ethical considerations, such as the impact on the environment or human rights. In this situation, Tara is concerned about the potential ethical issues regarding the origin of the diamonds in the necklace. Since the seller cannot provide information about the diamond's origin, Tara decides not to make the purchase, demonstrating her commitment to ethical consumerism.

To arrive at this answer, I analyzed the scenario and recognized the key elements. Tara's consideration of the diamond's origin, her decision not to buy the necklace due to lack of information, and her intention to ensure ethical practices in her consumption choices all align with the concept of ethical consumerism.

1. A.

2. D.
3. B.
4. C.
5. C.
6. B.
7. C.
8. B.
9. B.
10. C.
11. B.
12. B.
13. C.
14. B.
15. A.
one way ticket to a good grade lads, treat yourselves. :)