Mr. Ramirez purchased 20 concert tickets for a total of $225. The concert tickets cost $15 for adults and $10 for children under the age of 12.  ?

You don't ask a question, but I'd start with

15x + 10(20-x) = 225

To find the number of adult tickets and child tickets that Mr. Ramirez purchased, we can set up a system of equations.

Let's say 'a' represents the number of adult tickets and 'c' represents the number of child tickets.

From the given information, we have:
a + c = 20 (equation 1) - The total number of tickets is 20.
15a + 10c = 225 (equation 2) - The total cost of the tickets is $225.

Now we can solve this system of equations using either substitution or elimination method:

Method 1: Substitution
1. Solve equation 1 for 'a':
a = 20 - c
2. Substitute this value of 'a' into equation 2:
15(20 - c) + 10c = 225
300 - 15c + 10c = 225
300 - 5c = 225
-5c = -75
c = 15

Now substitute the value of 'c' back into equation 1 to solve for 'a':
a + 15 = 20
a = 20 - 15
a = 5

Therefore, Mr. Ramirez purchased 5 adult tickets and 15 child tickets.

Method 2: Elimination
1. Multiply equation 1 by -10 to make the coefficients of 'c' cancel each other when added to equation 2:
-10(a + c) = -10(20)
-10a - 10c = -200
2. Add the modified equation 1 to equation 2:
15a + 10c + (-10a - 10c) = 225 + (-200)
5a = 25
a = 5

Substitute the value of 'a' back into equation 1 to solve for 'c':
5 + c = 20
c = 20 - 5
c = 15

So, Mr. Ramirez purchased 5 adult tickets and 15 child tickets.