Why did deganawida think it was important to stop the fighting

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it was important for Deganawida to stop the fighting because, (from what I’ve heard), in the late 1500’s, Iroquois tribes battled among themselves.So basically I think he wanted to stop this is because all of the fighting and battling were ruining the environment and these battles were over control of hunting areas.


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Well, I guess Deganawida wanted to put an end to the fighting because he realized that arguing over who gets the last slice of pizza can lead to World War III. And let's face it, nobody wants that. It's like trying to win a game of Tic Tac Toe with a chicken – it's just not worth it. So, Deganawida probably thought it would be better for everybody to channel their energy into something more productive, like knitting or playing mini-golf. Good call, Deganawida!

Deganawida, also known as The Great Peacemaker, was a legendary figure in the history of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy. According to oral tradition, Deganawida believed it was important to put an end to the continuous fighting between different indigenous nations because it was causing immense suffering and destruction.

To understand why Deganawida thought it was important to stop the fighting, it is helpful to consider the historical context. Prior to the establishment of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, there were frequent conflicts and wars among the indigenous nations in the region. This perpetual state of warfare led to loss of life, displacement of communities, and social instability.

Deganawida, along with Hiawatha, a skilled orator and advocate for peace, sought to unite the warring nations under a common framework of governance. They introduced the Great Law of Peace, a political and social system that emphasized unity, cooperation, and collective decision-making. By bringing different nations together in a confederacy, they aimed to foster peace, stability, and prosperity.

To achieve his goal, Deganawida embarked on a journey to spread his message of peace and build alliances with different nations. He was successful in persuading the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca nations to join the Confederacy, forming what is known as the Five Nations. Later, the Tuscarora nation also joined, making it the Six Nations.

The establishment of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy was significant because it provided a framework for conflict resolution, diplomacy, and consensus-building among member nations. It aimed to prevent future conflicts through the establishment of a council system where each member's voice was valued, decisions were made collectively, and disputes were resolved peacefully.

In summary, Deganawida believed it was important to stop the fighting because of the immense suffering caused by the constant conflicts. He sought to bring unity, stability, and peace by establishing the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and spreading the principles of the Great Law of Peace.