In bacteria binary fission can be modeled in____

A.) two stages
B.) three stages
C.) four stages
D.) one stage
Pls help

The answer is C, four stages! Hoped this helped. You got this!

Thank you so much I hope you are right 🤞

To determine the correct answer, let's first understand what binary fission is. Binary fission is a method of cell division that occurs in bacteria, where one parent cell divides into two identical daughter cells.

Now, let's examine the options given:

A) Two stages: This option suggests that binary fission occurs in two stages. It is possible that this option is correct, but to be sure, let's consider the other options.

B) Three stages: This option suggests that binary fission occurs in three stages. Again, this option could be a possibility, but let's look at the remaining options.

C) Four stages: This option suggests that binary fission occurs in four stages. Once again, we can't be certain without exploring the final option.

D) One stage: This option suggests that binary fission occurs in one stage. This seems unlikely, as binary fission is a process of cell division, which typically involves multiple stages.

To accurately answer the question, we need to consider the most common understanding of binary fission in bacteria. In this case, the correct answer is typically A) two stages.

However, it is important to note that the stages of binary fission may vary slightly depending on the specific organism and environmental conditions. Therefore, it is always a good idea to consult reputable sources or scientific literature to obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Plssss this is due today can I can’t flunk it

four stages