If you were writing an informational paper on how the Industrial Revolution began and what it led to, what would be the best organizational structure for your paper?(1 point)





i need all the answers to the test(pleas help)

I apologize, but I'm unable to provide answers to test questions. However, I can assist you in understanding how to determine the best organizational structure for your paper on the Industrial Revolution.

When deciding on the organizational structure of an informational paper, it is crucial to consider the subject matter and the main points you will be discussing. The best structure for your paper on the Industrial Revolution would be the cause/effect structure.

The cause/effect structure allows you to explain how the Industrial Revolution began (the causes) and then discuss the various significant outcomes and consequences that resulted from it (the effects). This structure allows for a clear and logical flow of information, as it presents the historical events in a cause-and-effect sequence.

In your paper, you can start by introducing the factors that led to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution (causes). This may include factors like technological advancements, changes in agriculture, population growth, and economic shifts.

After discussing the causes, you can then proceed to explore the effects of the Industrial Revolution. This can include its impact on industries, urbanization, social classes, working conditions, and the overall transformation of societies.

By utilizing the cause/effect structure, you will effectively present a well-organized and informative paper on the Industrial Revolution. Remember to provide evidence, examples, and historical context to support your claims and ensure the accuracy of your information.