Oil spilled from a ruptured tanker spreads in a circle whose area increases at a constant rate of 9 mi2/hr. How rapidly is radius of the spill increasing when the area is 4 mi2?

To find the rate at which the radius of the oil spill is increasing, we can use the formula for the area of a circle:

A = πr²

Where A is the area of the spill and r is the radius. We are told that the area is increasing at a constant rate of 9 mi²/hr.

First, let's differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to time (t):

dA/dt = 2πr(dr/dt)

Now, we need to solve for dr/dt, which represents the rate at which the radius is changing.

Since we know that dA/dt is 9 mi²/hr and we want to find the value of dr/dt when the area is 4 mi², we can substitute these values into the equation:

9 = 2πr(dr/dt)

We can simplify this by dividing both sides by 2πr:

9/(2πr) = dr/dt

Now, we substitute the given value of the area (A = 4 mi²) into the equation:

dr/dt = 9/(2πr)

Since we want to find dr/dt when the area is 4 mi², we substitute r = √(A/π) = √(4/π) into the equation:

dr/dt = 9/(2π * √(4/π))

dr/dt = 9/(2π * √(4/π))

dr/dt = 9/(2 * √(π/4))

dr/dt = 9/(2 * √(π/4))

dr/dt = 9/(2 * (1/2))

dr/dt = 9/1

dr/dt = 9 mi/hr

Therefore, when the area of the spill is 4 mi², the radius is increasing at a rate of 9 mi/hr.

a = πr^2

when a=4, r=2/√π
da/dt = 2πr dr/dt
9 = 2π(2/√π) dr/dt
dr/dt = 9/(4√π) mi/hr