During this lab, the reaction mix is filtered. Filtration is often used to separate a solid from a liquid. In this lab, when the reaction mix is added to the filter paper, what substance would we try to collect on the filter paper?

A. Cu
B. NaCl
C. Al
D. CuSO4

I don't know what you did in the experiment. Did you mix Al + CuSO4? If you would have produced Cu and that would be collect in the filter paper. I don't know where the NaCl may have come from AND I may have guessed wrong. It may have been a different experiment. I'm just trying to figure what was done from the choices in the answer.

To determine which substance would be collected on the filter paper, we need to consider the properties of the given substances. Filtration is a technique commonly used to separate a solid from a liquid by passing the mixture through a filter medium that allows only the liquid to pass through. The solid particles that are too large to pass through the filter paper are collected on it.

Now, let's examine the options:

A. Cu (copper): Copper is a metal, which means it is not typically in a solid phase in a reaction mixture. Therefore, it is unlikely to be the substance that would be collected on the filter paper.

B. NaCl (sodium chloride): Sodium chloride is a solid compound that can exist as a crystal in a reaction mixture. When water is the liquid in the mixture, NaCl can dissolve in it, forming a solution. Hence, if the reaction mixture contains sodium chloride in solid form, it is possible that it would be collected on the filter paper.

C. Al (aluminum): Aluminum is also a metal like copper and is unlikely to be in solid form in a reaction mixture. Thus, it is less likely to be the substance collected on the filter paper.

D. CuSO4 (copper sulfate): Copper sulfate is a compound that is soluble in water. If the reaction mixture contains copper sulfate in its solid form, it can dissolve in water and form a solution. Hence, it is unlikely to be the substance collected on the filter paper.

Based on the properties and solubility of the substances, the most probable substance that would be collected on the filter paper in this lab is B. NaCl (sodium chloride).