The man who had spoken came over to her. He put his hand upon her head, and she only crouched closer. She did not snap, nor threaten to snap. The other men came up, and surrounded her, and felt her, and pawed her, which actions she made no attempt to resent. They were greatly excited and made many noises with their mouths. These noises were not indications of danger, the cub decided, as he crouched near his mother, still bristling from time to time but doing his best to submit.

Which best states the perspective of White Fang in the excerpt?
A. White Fang is excited and happy to see his mother again.
B. White Fang recognizes the men and lets them play with him.
C. White Fang feels responsible for protecting his mother from the men.
D. White Fang is unsure of how to act and only trusts his mother.
I think it's B but I'm not sure.

what is it b or d


It's b

someone please tell me if it is b or d

please halp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

which one is it you guys

Disagree, D.