1. When two defenders are guarding one offensive player, it is called a _____.

A. Maze
B. Trap***
C. Jump
D. Oligarch

4. A defender should pivot when they wish to change their ______.

i need the answer now plspls pls

To find the answer to question 1, you would need to have some knowledge of basketball terminology and defensive strategies. In this case, the correct answer is B. Trap.

When two defenders are guarding one offensive player, it is called a "trap." This defensive strategy aims to force the offensive player into a difficult position, limiting their ability to pass or dribble effectively.

To find the answer to question 4, you would need to understand basketball defensive techniques. The correct answer is angle.

When a defender wishes to change their angle of defense, they can pivot. Pivoting is a technique where a player keeps one foot planted while moving the other foot to adjust their position or angle to better defend against the offensive player. It allows the defender to maintain balance and control while being able to react quickly to the offensive player's movements.