What does it mean to have a distinguished position in an informational text?(1 point)

to be recognized as different

For connections it's

1 anecdote
2 online features might actually distract the learner from the task
3 experts agree that coffee might reduse the risk of liver damage by as much as 74%
4 to be recognized as different

idk im only in 7th grade 😬.

what are the real answers for the whole quick check... im in 7th

To understand what it means to have a distinguished position in an informational text, we need to first define what an informational text is.

Informational texts are non-fiction texts that provide facts and information on a specific topic. These texts are designed to convey knowledge and educate the reader about a particular subject.

Now, when we talk about having a distinguished position in an informational text, it means that a particular viewpoint or perspective is given special importance or prominence within the text. This can be achieved through various techniques:

1. Authoritative sources: The text may rely on well-known experts, scholars, or authorities in the field to present information. By citing credible sources, the text establishes a distinguished position for those viewpoints.

2. Presentation: The text may present a particular viewpoint at the beginning or end, which signals its importance. It might be introduced as the main argument or thesis of the text, or summarized as a key takeaway.

3. Detailed analysis: The text might provide an in-depth examination of a specific viewpoint, presenting thorough evidence, examples, and logical reasoning to support it.

4. Repetition: The text may consistently reinforce a certain viewpoint throughout, emphasizing its significance and making it stand out.

By using these techniques, authors can highlight certain viewpoints or perspectives, giving them a distinguished position within an informational text. This helps to shape the reader's understanding and guide their interpretation of the information presented.