Review the paraphrase of the excerpt from the first paragraph of "The 1776 Constitution of South Carolina" that you started on the review slide. Make any desired updates prior to submitting. Please reference the excerpt if needed.

"…the colonists were therefore driven to the necessity of taking up arms, to repel force by force, and to defend themselves and their properties against lawless invasions and depredations. Nevertheless, the delegates of the said colonies assembled in another Congress at Philadelphia, anxious to procure a reconciliation with Great Britain upon just and constitutional principles, supplicated His Majesty to direct some mode by which the united applications of his faithful colonists might be improved into a happy and permanent reconciliation, that in the meantime measures might be taken for preventing the further destruction of their lives, and that such statures as immediately distressed any of the colonists might be repealed."

Submit your completed paraphrase in the space below.

This is the instructions on the review slide

Rewrite the first paragraph of "The 1776 Constitution of South Carolina" to review this lesson. You should use your own words to paraphrase the selection so that the same message is conveyed.

Please read the following Excerpt from The 1776 Constitution of South Carolina:"…the colonists were therefore driven to the necessity of taking up arms, to repel force by force, and to defend themselves and their properties against lawless invasions and depredations. Nevertheless, the delegates of the said colonies assembled in another Congress at Philadelphia, anxious to procure a reconciliation with Great Britain upon just and constitutional principles, supplicated His Majesty to direct some mode by which the united applications of his faithful colonists might be improved into a happy and permanent reconciliation, that in the mean time measures might be taken for preventing the further destruction of their lives, and that such statures as immediately distressed any of the colonists might be repealed."

Example using the Declaration of Independence:

Original: "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it and to institute new Government..."
Paraphrase: "If the existing government is causing harm to the people it governs, those people are allowed to eliminate that government and to create a new government."

Please Anyone!!!!!

After facing the need to defend themselves from lawless attacks, the colonists resorted to taking up arms and repelling force with force. Despite this, the delegates from the colonies gathered at a congress in Philadelphia, with the hope of reconciling with Great Britain on fair and constitutional terms. They pleaded with His Majesty to establish a way for the collective pleas of the colonists to lead to a lasting and contented reconciliation. In the meantime, they urged for measures to be implemented to prevent further harm to their lives. Additionally, they sought the repeal of any laws that directly troubled the colonists.

The colonists were forced to pick up weapons and defend themselves and their property against unlawful invasions and harm. However, the delegates from the colonies gathered in another Congress at Philadelphia, hoping to reconcile with Great Britain based on just and constitutional principles. They requested that the king find a way to turn their collective pleas into a happy and lasting reconciliation, while also taking steps to prevent further loss of life and repealing any oppressive laws affecting the colonists.

Paraphrase of the excerpt from the first paragraph of "The 1776 Constitution of South Carolina":

"Due to the circumstances and actions of the colonists, they felt compelled to take up arms and defend themselves and their belongings against unlawful attacks. However, despite this, representatives from the colonies gathered in a Congress in Philadelphia with the aim of reconciling with Great Britain based on fair and constitutional principles. They made a plea to the King, requesting him to establish a method through which their united requests could lead to a lasting and joyful reconciliation. They also urged for immediate measures to prevent further loss of life and the repeal of any laws that caused distress among the colonists."