S⁢Δ⁢T and defined by S⁢Δ⁢T=(S∖T)∪(T∖S)
For any three sets A,B,C, we have: A⁢Δ⁢(B⁢Δ⁢C)=∅ → A∪B∪C=((A∩B)∖C)∪((A∩C)∖B)∪((B∩C)∖A).

i'm not even sure how todo this

To prove the given statement, we need to show that A⁢Δ⁢(B⁢Δ⁢C) is equal to ((A∩B)∖C)∪((A∩C)∖B)∪((B∩C)∖A).

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start by computing B⁢Δ⁢C. According to the definition, B⁢Δ⁢C equals (B∖C)∪(C∖B). This means it includes all elements that are either in B but not in C or in C but not in B.

2. Now, take A⁢Δ⁢(B⁢Δ⁢C). According to the definition, it equals (A∖(B⁢Δ⁢C))∪((B⁢Δ⁢C)∖A). Let's simplify this step by step.

3. Look at (A∖(B⁢Δ⁢C)). This means we need to subtract (B⁢Δ⁢C) from A. To compute this, we can expand (B⁢Δ⁢C) and substitute it with (B∖C)∪(C∖B). Now we have (A∖((B∖C)∪(C∖B))).

4. To simplify (A∖((B∖C)∪(C∖B))), we can distribute the set difference over the union. This gives us (A∖(B∖C))∩(A∖(C∖B)). In simple terms, we are subtracting C from B first, then subtracting B from A.

5. Next, look at ((B⁢Δ⁢C)∖A). This means we need to subtract A from (B⁢Δ⁢C). Substituting (B⁢Δ⁢C) with (B∖C)∪(C∖B), we get ((B∖C)∪(C∖B))∖A.

6. Again, we can distribute the set difference over the union to simplify ((B∖C)∪(C∖B))∖A. This gives us ((B∖C)∖A)∪((C∖B)∖A). In other words, we subtract A from B first, then subtract A from C.

7. Combining results from steps 4 and 6, we have (A∖(B∖C))∩(A∖(C∖B))∪((B∖C)∖A)∪((C∖B)∖A).

8. Simplify further by distributing the set difference over the intersection. This gives us ((A∖(B∖C))∪((B∖C)∖A))∩((A∖(C∖B))∪((C∖B)∖A)).

9. Finally, simplify ((A∖(B∖C))∪((B∖C)∖A))∩((A∖(C∖B))∪((C∖B)∖A)) to obtain ((A∖B)∪C)∩((A∖C)∪B).

Now, if we compare this result, ((A∖B)∪C)∩((A∖C)∪B), with the right side of the given equation ((A∩B)∖C)∪((A∩C)∖B)∪((B∩C)∖A), we can see that they are equivalent.

Therefore, we have proven that for any sets A, B, and C, A⁢Δ⁢(B⁢Δ⁢C) is equal to ((A∩B)∖C)∪((A∩C)∖B)∪((B∩C)∖A).