A tricycle ride cost 10 pesos for the first kilometers and each additional kilometers add 8 pesos to the fare. Use a piecewise

c(d)={10 if d _<2}

10+8(d) if d _>3

Y=1.50x + 10

1. A tricycle ride costs ₱10.00 for the first 2 kilometers, and each additional kilometer

adds ₱8.00 to the fare. Use a piecewise function to represent the tricycle fare in
terms of the distance d in kilometers.
C(d) = {

10 if_____
(______) if d ≥ 3

(Fill in the missing terms to show the
piecewise function of the problem)

Let x

Sure, here's a piecewise function that represents the fare for a tricycle ride:

\( f(x) = \begin{cases}
10 & \text{if } x \leq 1 \\
10 + 8(x - 1) & \text{if } x > 1
\end{cases} \)

- \( f(x) \) is the fare for a tricycle ride in pesos
- \( x \) is the number of kilometers traveled

So, according to this function:
- For the first kilometer (if \( x \leq 1 \)), the fare is 10 pesos.
- For each additional kilometer (if \( x > 1 \)), the fare increases by 8 pesos for every kilometer traveled beyond the first kilometer.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

To represent the cost of a tricycle ride using a piecewise function, we can consider two different cases:

1) For the first kilometers:
The cost is 10 pesos for the first kilometers, which means if the distance is d (in kilometers) and d is less than or equal to a certain value d1, then the cost can be represented as:
Cost = 10

2) For additional kilometers:
After the initial kilometers, each additional kilometer adds 8 pesos to the fare. So, if the distance is d (in kilometers) and d is greater than a certain value d1, then the cost for additional kilometers can be represented as:
Cost = 10 + 8 * (d - d1)

Now, to find the value of d1, we need to determine at what point the additional kilometers start adding to the fare. In this case, it is when the distance is more than the initial kilometers. Let's say the initial kilometers are represented by a variable x. So, when d is greater than x, the additional kilometers start adding to the fare.

For example, if the initial kilometers are 2, then the piecewise function can be represented as:

Cost = 10, if d <= 2
Cost = 10 + 8 * (d - 2), if d > 2

In this case, x = 2 and d1 = 2. You can modify the values of x and d1 according to the specific scenario or problem you are trying to solve.

10 for x <= ?

10 + 8x for x > ?