Identifying subject, verb, and prepositional phrases.

This process of turning cellulose to sugar makes them smell bad.

PP:of turning cellulose to sugar


2PPs: (of turning cellulose) (to sugar)

but "them" is plural, while it has ambiguous antecedents, both singular.

To identify the subject, verb, and prepositional phrases in a sentence, follow these steps:

1. Find the main verb: In this sentence, the main verb is "makes."

2. Ask the question "Who or what + verb?" The answer to this question will be the subject of the sentence. In this case, "What makes?" The answer is "This process."

3. Identify any words or phrases that modify or describe the subject. In this sentence, "of turning cellulose to sugar" is a prepositional phrase that describes the process.

So, the breakdown of the sentence is as follows:

Subject: This process
Verb: makes
Prepositional Phrase: of turning cellulose to sugar

Please note that there may be additional phrases or clauses in a sentence, but for this example, we focused on the subject, verb, and prepositional phrases.