Round of 957 to the nearest 5

Huh? I think I understand what you mean. What you wanted to say is round 957 to the nearest tenth since 5 is in the tenths place.

957 rounded to the nearest tenth is 960.

To round 957 to the nearest 5, you need to identify the multiples of 5 that are closest to this number. In this case:

- 955 is the closest multiple of 5 less than 957.
- 960 is the closest multiple of 5 greater than 957.

Now, to determine which of these two numbers (955 or 960) 957 is closer to, we can find the difference between 957 and each of those numbers:

- The difference between 957 and 955 is 2.
- The difference between 957 and 960 is 3.

Since 957 is closer to 955 (with a smaller difference), rounding to the nearest 5 would give you 955.

To round a number to the nearest 5, follow these steps:

1. Determine the remainder when the number is divided by 5: 957 ÷ 5 = 191 remainder 2.

2. If the remainder is less than 2.5, subtract it from the original number. In this case, 2 < 2.5, so subtract 2 from 957: 957 - 2 = 955.

3. If the remainder is greater than or equal to 2.5, subtract it from 5 and add it to the original number. However, in this case, the remainder is 2, which is less than 2.5.

4. Therefore, the rounded number to the nearest 5 is 955.

957 is closer to 955 than it is to 960