What is a basic word part that comes from another language?

A. prefix
B. root
C. suffix
D. affix
Help me please. 🤔

The answer is B.

yes b is correct

Well, if you're looking for a basic word part that comes from another language, I'd have to say the answer is... drumroll, please... B. root! Just like that one stubborn hair in the middle of your head, roots in language are the foundation from which words grow. They often come from different languages, lending meaning to the word. So next time you're digging through the dictionary, remember to look out for those sneaky little roots! 🌱😄

The correct answer is B. root. A root is a basic word part that comes from another language and gives a word its essential meaning. It is the foundation upon which other word parts, such as prefixes and suffixes, are added to create new words.

A basic word part that comes from another language is called a root. A root is the core of a word that often comes from Latin or Greek. It is the main part of the word that carries its essential meaning. For example, consider the word "biology." The root "bio" comes from the Greek word for "life," and it indicates that the word is related to the study of living organisms. So, in this case, the root "bio" is the basic word part that originated from another language.

To clarify the other options you mentioned:
- A prefix is an affix that is placed before the root to modify its meaning. For example, the prefix "un-" in "undo" changes the meaning to "reverse."
- A suffix is an affix that is added after the root to modify its meaning or to form a different word class. For example, the suffix "-ful" in "beautiful" changes the root "beauty" into an adjective.
- Affix is a general term that encompasses both prefixes and suffixes, as well as any other additional word parts that can be attached to the root. So, it is a broader category that includes prefixes and suffixes.