logarithm and antilogarithm of 7820 x 5.05 / 944 x 11.7

find the logs of the four numbers

perform the given operations
... multiplication means adding logs
... division means subtracting logs

take the antilog of the result


in a tabular form please

To find the logarithm and antilogarithm of the expression (7820 x 5.05) / (944 x 11.7), we will break it down into steps.

Step 1: Calculate the value of (7820 x 5.05) / (944 x 11.7).
= 39391 / 11060
≈ 3.556

Step 2: To find the logarithm of the result, we need to choose a base for the logarithm. Common choices are base 10 (log) and base e (ln or natural logarithm). Let's assume you want to find the logarithm with base 10 (log).

Step 3: Use a scientific calculator or a logarithm table to find the logarithm of the result. In this case, log(3.556) = 0.5512.

Therefore, log(7820 x 5.05 / 944 x 11.7) = 0.5512.

Step 4: To find the antilogarithm, we raise the base to the power of the logarithm value. In this case, the base is 10.
antilog(0.5512) = 10^0.5512

Step 5: Use a scientific calculator or calculate it manually. 10^0.5512 ≈ 3.696

Therefore, the antilogarithm of log(7820 x 5.05 / 944 x 11.7) is approximately 3.696.

i do not understand

i dont no it

how do I do it?