A container holds 90,000 ounces of water. There is a small leak in the container. Every 96 minutes ​, 1.7 ounces of water leak out.

Represent the total change in the amount of water in the container after 4 hours.

-1.7oz/96min * 240min = -4.25 oz

where did 240 min come from?

240 minutes = 4 hours


To represent the total change in the amount of water in the container after 4 hours, we need to find out how much water is lost every 96 minutes and then calculate how many times that occurs in 4 hours.

First, we know that the container has a leak where 1.7 ounces of water leak out every 96 minutes. This means that in every 96 minutes, the water level in the container decreases by 1.7 ounces.

To find out how many times 96 minutes occur in 4 hours, we can calculate:

4 hours = 4 x 60 minutes = 240 minutes

Next, we divide the total number of minutes (240) by the number of minutes in each occurrence (96) to get the number of occurrences:

240 minutes / 96 minutes = 2.5 occurrences (or 2 occurrences with 48 minutes left)

Since we cannot have half an occurrence, we round down to the nearest lower whole number of occurrences. Therefore, the number of occurrences in 4 hours is 2.

To calculate the total change in the amount of water in the container, we multiply the number of occurrences (2) by the amount of water leaked in each occurrence (1.7 ounces):

2 occurrences x 1.7 ounces = 3.4 ounces

So, the total change in the amount of water in the container after 4 hours is 3.4 ounces of water lost.