If p is a negative integer, which of the expressions represents the largest number?

the one with the smallest absolute value

If unsure, plot the points on the number line
The one farthest to the right is the greatest.
Note that it is also the one closest to zero. Thus, the smallest absolute value.

The answer would be either - or /

If p is a negative integer, the largest number is the one with the smallest absolute value, because the smaller the absolute value of a negative number, the larger it is.

So, the expression that represents the largest number when p is a negative integer is simply p.

To find the expression that represents the largest number when p is a negative integer, we need to compare different expressions. Since p is negative, we know that a negative number raised to an even power will always be positive.

Let's consider the following expressions:

1. p^2
2. p^3
3. p^4

Since p is negative, let's substitute p with -1 to simplify the comparisons.

1. (-1)^2 = 1
2. (-1)^3 = -1
3. (-1)^4 = 1

From the substitutions, we can see that the largest number is represented by p^2, which equals 1.

Therefore, the expression that represents the largest number when p is a negative integer is p^2.