Identify the best way to display statistics in a research report.

A. List statistical data.
B. Outline statistical data.
C. Graph statistical data.
D. Statistical data does not need to be displayed in a research report.

The best way to display statistics in a research report is option C, which is to graph statistical data. Graphs are visual representations that can effectively display complex statistical information in a clear and concise manner. They allow readers to quickly grasp the main findings, patterns, and trends in the data. Graphs also enable easy comparisons between different variables or groups, making it easier for readers to interpret the data and draw meaningful conclusions.

When creating graphs for a research report, it is important to choose the most appropriate type of graph for the data being presented. For example, if you have categorical variables, a bar graph or pie chart might be suitable. If you have continuous variables, a line graph or scatter plot may be more appropriate. Additionally, be sure to label the axis, provide informative titles and captions, and use colors and other visual cues strategically to enhance understanding.

While statistical data can be listed or outlined in a research report (options A and B), graphs can offer a more visually appealing and reader-friendly presentation that facilitates comprehension. Therefore, option C is generally considered the best way to display statistics in a research report. Option D is incorrect because statistical data definitely plays an important role in research reports and should be presented in a visually accessible manner.