If the point of the preimage is (5,2) and the point of the image is (1,2), what RULE was applied to the preimage to obtain the image?

(x - 4, y)
(x + 4, y)
(x, y - 4)
(x, y + 4)
I'm thinking the 3rd one

1 = 5-4

2 = 2+0
so, A: (x,y) → (x-4,y)

thank you!!!!

To determine which rule was applied to the preimage to obtain the image, we need to compare the coordinates of the preimage and image points.

The x-coordinate of the preimage is 5, and the x-coordinate of the image is 1. This means that the x-coordinate decreased by 4, indicating a translation to the left.

The y-coordinate of both the preimage and image is 2, meaning there was no change in the y-coordinate.

So, based on the comparison, the rule that was applied is (x - 4, y). Thus, the correct answer is the first option: (x - 4, y).