When listing the location of a place, the degree of the longitude is always listed

When listing the location of a place, the degree of the longitude is always listed because longitude is a measurement that indicates the east-west position of a point on the Earth's surface. It helps us determine the exact location of a place and its position relative to the Prime Meridian, which is the reference line for longitude.

To obtain the degree of longitude for a specific place, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the location you want to find the longitude for. This can be a city, landmark, or any specific point on the Earth's surface.
2. Open a mapping service or a navigation app that provides location information. Examples include Google Maps, Apple Maps, or any other similar service.
3. Enter the name or address of the place you want to find.
4. Once the location is displayed on the map, locate the longitude information. It is usually displayed as a series of numbers followed by either "E" for east or "W" for west.
5. The degree of longitude is the numerical value that represents the east-west position of the place you are looking for.

For instance, if you search for New York City, you might find that its longitude is approximately -74 degrees (W) or 74 degrees (W). The negative sign indicates that it is west of the Prime Meridian.

Remember to consider the direction (east or west) and the sign (positive or negative) associated with the longitude measurement, as it determines the specific location of a place on the Earth's surface.