convert 0.1234 into vulgar fraction

bar is on 34

Vulgar fraction?

Haven't heard that in over 60 years

let x = 0.1234343434... **
multiply by 100
100x = 12.343434... ***
subtract ** from ***
99x = 12.22000...
x = 12.22/99 = 1222/9900 = 611/4950

check by doing the division on a calculator

Let x=0.12343434...

X=0.12343434... -----(i)
100x=12.343434... ------(ii)
Subtract (i)from(ii)
:- 99x=12.22

To convert a decimal number into a vulgar fraction, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the place value of the decimal number.
In this case, the number is 0.1234, and the bar is placed on 34. This means that the decimal number extends to two decimal places.

Step 2: Write the decimal number without the decimal point over a power of 10.
In this case, since the decimal number extends to two decimal places, we will write the number without the decimal point over the number 100, because 10 raised to the power of 2 is 100. So, we have 1234/100.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction.
To simplify the fraction, find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator, and then divide both by this GCD. In this case, both the numerator (1234) and denominator (100) are divisible by 2. After dividing by 2, we get 617/50.

So, the vulgar fraction equivalent of 0.1234 (with the bar on 34) is 617/50.

Let x=0.12343434...

X=0.12343434... -----(i)
100x=12.343434... ------(ii)
Subtract (i)from(ii)
:- 99x=12.22
X=1222/9900 - ans

Abcd efgh

I'm sorry, could you please provide more information or context to your message?

Let x=0.12343434...

X=0.12343434... -----(i)
100x=12.343434... ------(ii)
Subtract (i)from(ii)
:- 99x=12.22
X=1222/9900 - ans

why would you want to do that???

when it is blatantly obvious that 4/33 = .121212.. , not even close to .123434..

611/4950 is the exact fraction equal to your given decimal

can we approx. value of 12.22 = 12

and then it would be 12/99=4/33????????