Which of the following ordered pairs is a solution of the following equation?

y + 5 = 2(x + 1)

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To determine which of the ordered pairs is a solution to the equation, we can substitute the values into the equation and check if the equation holds true.

The given equation is:
y + 5 = 2(x + 1)

Now let's substitute the values of the ordered pairs into the equation and see if the equation is satisfied.

Ordered pair 1: (-2, 0)
Substituting the values into the equation, we get:
0 + 5 = 2((-2) + 1)
5 = 2(-1)
5 = -2

Since 5 is not equal to -2, the first ordered pair (-2, 0) is not a solution to the equation.

Ordered pair 2: (1, 3)
Substituting the values into the equation, we get:
3 + 5 = 2((1) + 1)
8 = 2(2)
8 = 4

Since 8 is not equal to 4, the second ordered pair (1, 3) is not a solution to the equation.

Ordered pair 3: (0, 5)
Substituting the values into the equation, we get:
5 + 5 = 2((0) + 1)
10 = 2(1)
10 = 2

Since 10 is not equal to 2, the third ordered pair (0, 5) is not a solution to the equation.

Ordered pair 4: (4, -3)
Substituting the values into the equation, we get:
-3 + 5 = 2((4) + 1)
2 = 2(5)
2 = 10

Since 2 is not equal to 10, the fourth ordered pair (4, -3) is not a solution to the equation.

Therefore, none of the given ordered pairs is a solution to the equation y + 5 = 2(x + 1).