I’m helping my son with his homework.

He is suppose to boldface the topic and underline the opinion/attitude.
1. His presentation of the new material was terrific! Is the topic presentation or presentation of the new material?
2. Jonah’s response to our question was shocking!
Is the topic response or response to our question?

Then I'd underline/bold the phrases, not the single words.

presentation of the new material
response to our question

Okay, thank you so much!

Is he supposed to underline only single words? Or an entire sentence?

It says you may be bold facing or underlining more than a single word for a particular answer.

Not the entire topic sentences though. Just the topic and opinion/attitude.

You're welcome!

To determine the correct topic and opinion/attitude in these sentences, you need to identify the main subject and the expression of personal view or emotion. Here's how you can determine the answers:

1. In the first sentence, "His presentation of the new material was terrific!" The topic is the presentation of the new material, as it is the main subject being discussed. The opinion/attitude is expressing positive emotion or view, which is "terrific." To boldface the topic and underline the opinion/attitude, you would bold "presentation of the new material" and underline "terrific."

2. In the second sentence, "Jonah’s response to our question was shocking!" The topic is Jonah's response, as it is the main subject being discussed. The opinion/attitude is expressing surprise or shock, which is "shocking." To boldface the topic and underline the opinion/attitude, you would bold "response" and underline "shocking."

Remember, when determining the topic and opinion/attitude, focus on identifying the main subject being discussed and the expression of personal view or emotion.