Ayaan travels 90 miles at an average speed of 60mph.

She then travels a further 40 miles.
The average speed for the entire journey is 59mph.
Assuming Ayaan didn’t stop, what was her average speed for the final 40 miles to 2dp?

average speed is total distance/totaltime and

time=distance/speed, so
(90+40)/(90/60 + x) = 59
x is the time for the last 40 mi, so 40/x is the speed.

To calculate Ayaan's average speed for the final 40 miles, we need to use the formula for average speed, which is distance divided by time.

First, let's calculate the time it took for Ayaan to travel the first 90 miles at an average speed of 60 mph. We can use the formula time = distance/speed.

time1 = 90 miles / 60 mph
time1 = 1.5 hours

Now, we need to calculate the time it took for Ayaan to travel the entire journey, including the additional 40 miles. Let's denote this time as t.

Since the average speed for the entire journey is 59 mph and the total distance is 90 miles + 40 miles = 130 miles, we can write the equation:

130 miles / t = 59 mph

To solve for t, we can rearrange the equation:

t = 130 miles / 59 mph

t ≈ 2.20 hours

So, Ayaan traveled the entire distance in approximately 2.20 hours.

Now, we can calculate Ayaan's average speed for the final 40 miles using the formula: average speed = distance / time.

average speed = 40 miles / 2.20 hours
average speed ≈ 18.18 mph

Therefore, Ayaan's average speed for the final 40 miles is approximately 18.18 mph to 2 decimal places.