Enter the sum of numbers as a product of their GCF and another sum.

27 + 36

The sum of the numbers as a product of their GCF is .

I have no Idea

I actually need help with another question:

Write 60 as a product of the GCF and another number.

Write 60 as a product of the GCF and another number.

To find the sum of the numbers as a product of their greatest common factor (GCF), we first need to calculate the GCF of the given numbers.

Let's calculate the GCF of 27 and 36. One way to do this is to list all the factors of each number and find the largest factor they have in common.

Factors of 27: 1, 3, 9, 27
Factors of 36: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36

From the lists above, we can identify that the GCF of 27 and 36 is 9, as it is the largest factor they have in common.

Now, to find the sum of the numbers as a product of their GCF and another sum, we multiply the GCF (9) by the sum of the numbers (27 + 36 = 63).

Therefore, the sum of the numbers as a product of their GCF is 9 * 63 = 567.

use the distributive property and factor out the GCF.

Yo DUM bit

The sum of 10+45 as the product of the gcf and another sum