If 5 tramps, can fix 5 lamps in 5 minutes, the number of minutes it takes 8 tramps to fix 16 lamps is

it takes one tramp five minutes to fix a lamp

so 8 tramps need ten minutes to fix 16 lamps ... 2 lamps each

Well, if we use some humor and logic here, we can say that tramps and lamps must have some magical connection! So, if 5 tramps can fix 5 lamps in 5 minutes, it means that each tramp can fix one lamp in 5 minutes.

Now let's tackle the question at hand. If 8 tramps are working together, we can assume that they'll be able to fix 8 lamps in 5 minutes. Using some simple math, we can say that each tramp takes around 5 minutes to fix one lamp.

Therefore, if we have 16 lamps to fix, and each tramp takes approximately 5 minutes to fix one lamp, we can estimate that it would take these 8 tramps about 40 minutes to fix all 16 lamps.

So, the answer is 40 minutes. But remember, this is all just a whimsical calculation based on the magical connection between tramps and lamps!

To find the number of minutes it takes 8 tramps to fix 16 lamps, we can use the concept of proportions.

Since we know that 5 tramps can fix 5 lamps in 5 minutes, we can deduce that it takes each tramp 5 minutes to fix one lamp. Therefore, the rate at which each tramp fixes lamps is 1 lamp per 5 minutes.

Now, if we have 8 tramps instead of 5, we can multiply their individual rates by 8, resulting in a combined rate of 8 lamps per 5 minutes. Therefore, 8 tramps can fix 8 lamps in 5 minutes.

Since we want to know the number of minutes it takes for 8 tramps to fix 16 lamps, we can set up a proportion using the relationship between lamps and minutes:

8 lamps fixed / 5 minutes = 16 lamps to be fixed / x minutes

By cross-multiplying, we get:

8 * x = 5 * 16
8x = 80

Dividing both sides of the equation by 8, we get:

x = 10

Therefore, it would take 8 tramps to fix 16 lamps in 10 minutes.