Which supporting detail from The Great Fire conveys the main idea that firefighters alone were not able to contain the fire?

C.) Firefighters asked spectators to help, and many did

To find the supporting detail from the book "The Great Fire" that conveys the main idea that firefighters alone were unable to contain the fire, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by reading or skimming through "The Great Fire" to familiarize yourself with the content and search for relevant information.

2. Look for sections or passages that discuss the efforts of the firefighters in attempting to control the fire. Pay attention to any details or descriptions that indicate their limitations or difficulties.

3. Focus on any evidence or examples that highlight the overwhelming nature of the fire and the firefighters' inability to handle it alone. This could include references to the fire spreading rapidly, outpacing their efforts, or overwhelming their resources.

4. Consider passages that discuss the need for additional help or resources beyond the firefighters. Look for references to calls for assistance or the arrival of other groups, such as the military or volunteers.

5. Finally, when you find a supporting detail that showcases the idea that firefighters alone were not able to contain the fire, note it down as your answer.

Please note that as an AI, I do not have direct access to specific books or their content, so I cannot provide you with an exact supporting detail from "The Great Fire." However, by following these steps, you should be able to find the relevant information and identify the supporting detail that conveys the main idea you are looking for.