Compared to developing nations, developed Nations have_?

Developed nations are generally categorized as countries that are more industrialized and have higher per capita income levels. ... Developing nations are generally categorized as countries that are less industrialized and have lower per capita income levels.

To find out the differences between developed nations and developing nations, you can consider various aspects. Developed nations typically have:

1. Higher GDP per capita: You can compare the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita of different countries. GDP per capita represents the average wealth or income per person. Developed nations usually have higher GDP per capita than developing nations.

2. Better infrastructure: Developed nations tend to have well-developed transportation systems, including highways, railways, and airports. They often have well-maintained public utilities, such as electricity, water supply, and sanitation systems.

3. Advanced technology and industrialization: Developed nations generally have a higher level of technological advancement and industrialization. They have a strong presence of advanced industries, including manufacturing, information technology, finance, and services.

4. Higher education and healthcare standards: Developed nations often have well-established education and healthcare systems. They prioritize high-quality education, providing access to quality schools, universities, and research institutions. Similarly, they have comprehensive and accessible healthcare systems.

5. Higher standard of living: Developed nations usually have a higher standard of living in terms of income, housing, and access to necessities and amenities such as clean water, sanitation, healthcare, and social services.

It's important to note that these aspects can vary across countries, and the classification of a nation as developed or developing is not a static concept. Some countries might have a mix of characteristics from both developed and developing nations depending on their specific circumstances.