when it says to Describe the course objections? is it the same as course objectives?

That looks like a typo. The term “course objectives” is a fairly standard term.

Thank you, that's what I thought too. I was so confused and thought am I this dumb to not understand a simple term. Thanks for the help!

You’re welcome!

When it says to describe the "course objections," it sounds like a typographical error or a mistaken term. The correct term should most likely be "course objectives." However, to be certain, it is best to clarify with the person or entity that provided the instruction.

If the correct term is indeed "course objectives," then it refers to the specific goals or intended outcomes that the course aims to achieve. These objectives provide a clear focus for the course and guide both the instructors and students throughout the learning process. Course objectives typically outline the knowledge, skills, and competencies that the students are expected to acquire by the end of the course.

When describing the course objectives, it is important to clearly articulate what the course intends to teach, what the students will gain from taking the course, and what the overall purpose of the course is. It can be helpful to break down the objectives into smaller units or sub-objectives to provide a more comprehensive description. It is also common to align the course objectives with specific learning outcomes, which are measurable statements that demonstrate the knowledge or skills a student will possess as a result of completing the course.

In summary, while "course objectives" is the more familiar and appropriate term, it is always advisable to double-check with the source to ensure no confusion or misunderstanding.