There are 1/3 as many rides as the games at the fair. If the total number of games is 48, how may rides are there at the fair?

If there are x rides, then

x = 1/3 * 48 = _____
Now finish it off

To find out how many rides there are at the fair, we first need to determine the number of rides based on the given information.

We know that there are 1/3 as many rides as the total number of games at the fair, which is 48.

To calculate the number of rides, we can multiply the number of games by 1/3:

Number of rides = 48 * 1/3

Multiplying 48 by 1/3 gives us:

Number of rides = 16

Therefore, there are 16 rides at the fair.

To find the number of rides at the fair, we need to determine how many games there are and then calculate 1/3 of that number.

Given that the total number of games is 48, we can proceed as follows:

Step 1: Calculate 1/3 of the number of games.
1/3 x 48 = 48/3 = 16

Therefore, there are 16 rides at the fair.