can you plz help

Which of the following should be included in a summary of a text?(1 point)

the names of other texts on the same topic

an interesting metaphor

the central ideas

the reader's conclusions

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What do you decide?

What is itttt

I think it is C: the central idea. I hope this helps! :D

To determine which of the options should be included in a summary of a text, we need to understand the purpose and structure of a summary.

A summary is a condensed version of a text that captures its main points and central ideas. Its purpose is to provide readers with a concise understanding of the key elements of the original text.

Based on this, the option that should be included in a summary of a text is:

- The central ideas

The summary should focus on capturing the main points or central ideas of the text. This involves identifying the most important information and presenting it in a concise and coherent manner.

The other options mentioned:

- The names of other texts on the same topic: This is not necessary for a summary, as it is not directly related to capturing the main points or central ideas of the text.

- An interesting metaphor: While metaphors can be effective rhetorical devices in the original text, they are not essential for summarizing the main points or central ideas. Summaries aim to provide a clear and straightforward presentation of the information.

- The reader's conclusions: Summaries should not include the reader's personal conclusions. Instead, they should focus on the objectively presented information from the original text.

Therefore, in a summary of a text, the most important element to include is the central ideas.