How do I simplify the expression (7+5)+4⋅13–2?

parens first:

then multiplication:
then add and subtract, left to right:

4⋅13 not 4.13

So, M&M, use * for multiplication to avoid this misunderstanding.

Thank You, oobleck

12+4.13-2 = 14.13.

Thanks, oobleck.

To simplify the expression (7+5)+4⋅13–2, you need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS:

P - Parentheses
E - Exponents
MD - Multiplication and Division (from left to right)
AS - Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)

Let's simplify the expression step by step:

Step 1: Inside parentheses (7+5)
(7+5) = 12, so the expression becomes 12+4⋅13–2.

Step 2: Multiplication (4⋅13)
4⋅13 = 52, so the expression becomes 12+52–2.

Step 3: Addition (12+52)
12+52 = 64, so the expression becomes 64–2.

Step 4: Subtraction (64–2)
64–2 = 62.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 62.