the difference of sixteen and nine

9+1 = 10

10+6 = 16
so you have to add 1+6 = 7 to get from 9 to 16
16-9 = 7

whenever you see the word "difference" it will involve subtraction

- subtrahend

To find the difference between sixteen and nine, subtract nine from sixteen:

16 - 9 = 7

Therefore, the difference between sixteen and nine is seven.

To find the difference between sixteen and nine, you subtract nine from sixteen.

So, 16 - 9 = 7.

To understand this concept further, it is important to know that subtraction is an arithmetic operation used to find the difference or result when you take away one number from another. The number from which you subtract is called the minuend, and the number being subtracted is called the subtrahend. The result is called the difference.

In this case, sixteen is the minuend and nine is the subtrahend. By subtracting nine from sixteen, you find that the difference is seven.