What would make an idea to easy dismiss?

A. providing too vague and few details.
B. Using relevant sources.
C. Providing too much evidence.
D. Being a bad idea.<---------

I chose D as my answer because dismiss means like being excused. But if it's like a class then it would be like "Ok you guys are dismiss now" like going to lunch break.

What's this in relation to? Writing essays? What have you read before being asked this question?




It’s aca for Connexus 8th grade lighthouse

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options and the question. The question asks what would make an idea easy to dismiss. Therefore, we are looking for a response that explains what would weaken or undermine an idea, making it easier to disregard or reject.

Option A suggests that providing too vague and few details would make an idea easy to dismiss. This could be a valid answer because insufficient information may lead to ambiguity or uncertainty surrounding the idea, making it easier for others to dismiss it.

Option B suggests that using relevant sources would make an idea easy to dismiss. However, this is not accurate because utilizing credible sources would generally make an idea more convincing and harder to dismiss.

Option C suggests that providing too much evidence would make an idea easy to dismiss. This is unlikely to be the correct answer since an excess of evidence can actually bolster the credibility and soundness of an idea, making it more difficult to dismiss.

Option D suggests that being a bad idea would make an idea easy to dismiss. This option aligns with the question's context, as a bad idea is likely to be perceived as weak, flawed, or ineffective, leading to its dismissal.

Based on this analysis, option D - being a bad idea - is likely the correct answer because it directly addresses the concept of dismissing an idea due to its inherent quality or merit.